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“Hackers Academy” — This Country Just Created An Academy For Training Black Hat Hackers

Keeping its national security in view, Denmark’s national intelligence agency PET has launched a campaign for the people to join its ‘Hacker Academy’ where they will be trained in offensive and defensive hacking and online attacks.

Denmark’s national intelligence agency named PET (Politiets Efterretningstjeneste) has worked out a plan called “Hacker Academy” which will train black hat hackers for offensive and defensive purposes. This plan has come up foreseeing the hacking attacks launched on the national security worldwide.
PET’s hacker academy school is scheduled to begin on August 1, 2016. Courses at Hacker Academy have been divided into three modules which would be covered over a span of four and a half months.

Here are the three modules of the hacker academy:
  • A basic module on network, IT infrastructure, and advanced security
  • Then a module dedicated to the defensive hacking
  • And the last one will teach participants about offensive hacking techniques
The physical location of the hacker academy is being kept secret. Also, the offensive and defensive hacking training will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital, at an undisclosed location. Once the participants finish their courses, they’ll be enrolled in PET’s Computer Network Exploitation team.
Getting into Denmark’s hacker academy will not be so easy. PET will only recruit a few hackers per year. Also, these recruited hackers will have to go through a high-quality test at the Royal Danish Navy’s commando corps, which includes a long series of psychological exams.

Denmark’s Hacker Academy is one of its kinds. Unlike other countries that run shadow programs, PET is overt about its plans and it has also published an official announcement on its website, and even launching a media campaign with ads in local newspapers, bus stations, and billboards.

According to PET boss Lars Findsen, a participant doesn’t have to be a top-level hacker but only have basic knowledge on which the agency can build upon. You can see the announcement made by PET, The poster’s text says: “Have you got what it takes to become a member of a secret elite unit?”

Aone Abu Ukaasha

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