We all use Calculators in our daily life especially if we are a student. A calculator helps us to quickly solve our math questions. We use calculators in our homes, in school during exams, and at many other places. By changing a few things of the calculator, we can easily hack any calculator and prank our friends.
Today I am going to show you how to hack a calculator and turn it into a funny prank which you can play on anyone at an office or home.
- A Calculator
- Physical Voice recorder that can playback at least five sounds.
- Hardware to open the calculator.
Step to Hack a Calculator
- The First thing that you need is to open the voice recorder after recording the sounds that you want to playback.
- Start opening it by removing all the screws and opening the case.
- Now remove all the unnecessary things from the calculator which we don’t really need like microphone, etc.

- Remove the boards and speakers to use in the calculator.
- Now open the Calculator by removing the screws.
- After unsnapping the case, you might see a board which has a connection with all the buttons of the calculator.
- Now we will connect two small wires to the equal(=) sign button.

- Then connect those two wires to the playback button of the recording device.
- Now join the wire which supplies power to the playback button of the recording module to the battery of the calculator.
- Now fit everything in the calculator case and close it up.

- Now test it, it should be working normally, but when you press the equal button, it will start playing a sound which you recorded.
Hope you enjoyed this article. Stay tuned with this website for more great awesome and easy hacking tutorials.
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